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What is IPL photofacial?

IPL photofacial is a non-surgical and non-invasive procedure that involves using intense pulsed light (IPL) energy for skin rejuvenation. The IPL energy is calibrated according to your unique skin concerns, such as fine lines, rosacea, or pigmentation problems. When the light energy is released, it’s absorbed by the pigment-producing cells on the body, thus destroying the dark spots and pigmented lesions. The procedure is painless, and it leaves you with smoother, softer, and more even-textured skin.

woman at the beach

What problems does IPL photofacial treat?

  • Freckles
  • Sunspots
  • Age spots
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Rosacea
  • Spider veins
  • Vascular lesions
  • Birthmarks

How does IPL photofacial work?

Intense pulsed light energy can be controlled and modified to target specific colors on your skin. Depending on your unique goals, the cosmetic provider adjusts it to target the pigment-producing cells or the damaged blood vessels on your skin. The light energy destroys the unwanted pigmentation, spider veins, and damaged capillaries, thus restoring your skin’s even texture. As such, IPL photofacial helps you achieve a more youthful and glowing complexion.

Why use Lumecca for IPL photofacial?

At Bio Spa 360, we use the FDA-approved and cutting-edge Lumecca technology for IPL photofacial. Lumecca is a cutting-edge device that generates highly calibrated light energy to treat vascular lesions, photodamage, pigmentation problems, and other concerns. This is a safe device with years of clinical research, and it’s suitable for all skin tones and types.

What are the advantages of IPL photofacial?

  • Non-invasive treatment
  • Painless procedure
  • Quick and easy procedure
  • No harsh side effects
  • Immediate results
  • Personalized solution
  • No downtime
woman at the beach

Who are good candidates for IPL photofacial?

IPL photofacial is suitable for patients with uneven skin tone, textural irregularities, pigmentation problems, and vascular lesions on the skin. Traditional IPL treatments are deemed to be unsuitable for patients with dark skin because the light energy targets the pigment-producing cells on the body. However, the Lumecca device facilitates optimal calibration according to the patient’s unique skin tone, making it safe for everyone.

What happens during your IPL photofacial session?

During your IPL photofacial treatment, the cosmetic provider will apply a cooling gel to your skin. The Lumecca device will be calibrated according to your unique skin tone and concerns. The device will be moved over your skin in a grid-like pattern for up to 60 minutes until all the treatment areas are covered. A soothing gel will be applied to your face to reduce discomfort.

What are the side effects of IPL photofacial?

After the IPL photofacial, you may seem to have a mild sunburn for a few hours. The pigmented spots on your skin might seem darker for a few days, but they’ll eventually flake off, revealing smoother and softer skin underneath. There’s no downtime or recovery period.

Why choose Bio Spa 360?

Bio Spa 360 is a luxurious medical spa and wellness center specializing in the latest skin rejuvenation treatments. We use the cutting-edge Lumecca by InMode to address the root cause of your pigmented spots and textural irregularities, helping you develop smoother and softer skin. Please schedule an appointment to determine if you’re a good candidate for IPL photofacial in Cape Coral, FL.

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