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What is Kybella?

Kybella is the world’s first injectable solution to a double chin, also known as submental fullness. Diet and exercise are the typical means of fat reduction, but they meet their match with submental fullness. Most people find it hard or impossible to eliminate a double chin, despite their best weight loss efforts. However, a few Kybella injections under the chin can activate your body’s natural fat metabolism processes, helping you achieve a chiseled jawline.

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What problems does Kybella treat?

  • Unwanted pockets of fat under the chin, also known as a double chin or submental fullness
  • Other parts of the body with excess fat, such as the cheeks, forehead, jawline, and midface

How does Kybella correct submental fullness?

Kybella is a cosmetic injectable made of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance that encourages your body to dissolve and metabolize fat cells. When injected under the chin, Kybella focuses your body’s fat metabolism capabilities on the submental region, thereby killing and metabolizing unwanted fat cells. Over time, the fat cells are sent to the lymphatic system, from which they’re expelled from the body. Your neck looks slimmer and more youthful.

What are the advantages of Kybella?

  • Nonsurgical treatment without incisions or scars
  • No pain or discomfort during or after the treatment
  • No harsh side effects or complications
  • Facilitates natural fat reduction from the neck
  • Concludes within 30 minutes
  • Permanent results
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Who are good candidates for Kybella?

Kybella is primarily meant for patients with stubborn pockets of fat under the chin, also known as a double chin. However, you should be in generally good physical and mental health, and you should have realistic expectations. Your cosmetic provider will carefully examine the treatment area and discuss your goals to determine if you’re a suitable candidate for Kybella.

What happens during your Kybella session?

Your Kybella treatment starts with an assessment of your condition. Our cosmetic providers examine your neck, discuss your goals, and review your medical history. During the treatment, your skin is cleansed, and a numbing gel is applied to ensure comfort. The cosmetic provider will inject the appropriate Kybella dose into targeted areas on your neck using ultrafine needles. You may need up to 50 injections for optimal results.

What are the side effects of Kybella?

Kybella is a safe procedure with minimal side effects. You may experience mild redness, swelling, bruising, and irritation around the treatment sites, but you can resume your daily activities without interruption.

What are the Kybella results like?

Kybella doesn’t produce instant results because it relies on your body’s internal fat reduction capabilities. Furthermore, you may need several follow-up sessions for optimal results. The results will gradually improve over several weeks and months, so it will seem like you’ve naturally lost your double chin. The results are permanent, but you must maintain a healthy lifestyle with balanced meals and regular exercise.

Why choose Bio Spa 360?

Bio Spa 360 is a luxurious medical spa and wellness center led by talented cosmetic injectors. Our cosmetic providers carefully assess your goals to curate personalized strategies ensuring optimal and natural-looking results. Please schedule an appointment to explore your Kybella treatment options in Cape Coral, FL.

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